Meet our Eco Committee



By the school year of 2024-2025, our main aim is to achieve all of our ecological objectives, link all of the material provided by the Eco-schools programme to the curriculum to raise more awareness and have a call-to-action with students, and finally obtain the Green Flag so that BIS is recognized as an official Eco-school. This can provide us with a lot of opportunities and recognition on the global level.

Ecological impact 

Our main goal as a school is to create a more eco-friendly learning environment while raising awareness of how we as individuals affect our environment and how we can help it. So far, we have made sure that every student and teacher in this school realises each and every one of their actions have an impact on our environment. 

Ecological objectives 

As the foundation for obtaining the green flag, the Eco-committee has decided on five base goals for the academic year of 2022-2023. They are:
1. Increasing the publicity of Eco School so that every student and teacher knows about the programme 
2. Collect statistics on the food waste in the canteen so that it can be used next year for some of our projects 
3. Make sure that all of the students know which bins are for their respective trash so that the trash is sorted properly
4. Get the teachers involved so that the programme can be linked to the curriculum
5. Linking to the publicity, have fundraiser and awareness events to fund our future projects and create environmental awareness


Eco-schools is a growing programme that encourages young people to take a positive role in the environment by giving them the opportunity to actively protect it. It starts in the classroom, spreads throughout the school, and ultimately makes a difference throughout the community.

Bogaerts International School