One School, Two Campuses: The First Steps

J. Rafael Ángel
June 20, 2024

When Bogaerts International School North Campus began its journey in 2022, the concept of 1 school 2 campuses sounded like a good marketing strategy. However, as we approach the end of our second year of operations, not only have we begun to realize what this concept looks and feels like in practice, but also have become aware of the opportunities that operating with this spirit brings.

A school is its community and the ideas that serve as beating organs. The concept of two schools one campus is no exception to that. Thanks to the efforts of our educators and coordinators, we have taken the first steps to what can be (and will be!) a long lasting shared experience of discovery, reflection and growth.

I am deeply grateful to Mr. Vasileios Iosifidis (Head of PYP in the South Campus), Ms. Ioanna Chloptsidou (PYP5 educator in the South Campus, Ms. Leticia de Wilde (P5 educator in the North Campus), Mr. Fadi Alsulyman (Student Learning and Life Coordinator and Design educator at the North Campus), and Mr. Ilias Papadopoulus (IT Coordinator and Digital Design educator in the South Campus) for championing the first experiences that beyond setting a standard for future efforts, showcased the power of collaboration. Little did you know you were seeds of these wonderful experiences.

The PYP Exhibition, the Curiosity Celebration and the Design Expo clearly demonstrated the way practices shape identity and the way shared beliefs can elevate learning. These 3 experiences give me hope to see our two campuses creating opportunities for students to experience collaboration and taking action with a sense of audience in the future to come.

Our motto in the North Campus is Intentionally International, Diverse by Design… these experiences add intention to our purpose as learning organisation.

Curiosity Celebration | PYP Exhibition

Design Expo

June 20, 2024

J. Rafael Ángel

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