Young Learners Model Responsible Practices for our Community

Olga Ntina
June 7, 2023

Our Early Years community experienced the power of provocations. Our EY2 learners encountered their classroom as shown in the photo below, and their reactions revealed their love for their learning space as the view they witnessed filled them with disappointment.

Not only did our young learners asked, “Why is it not clean?” , but they also immediately responded saying, “we need to clean!”, “ants will come!” Clearly, their innate inclination “to keep the Earth clean!”, as they mentioned, encouraged them to demonstrate their responsibility, and to take action. Their learning space was as they love it best, tidy and welcoming.

The following day, they went trash hunting in the surrounding areas of their classroom. Moreover, as part of their project to raise environmental awareness, they modelled responsible citizenship for our whole community.

June 7, 2023

Olga Ntina

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